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Alyth Parish Church

Updated 28th December 2015
Launched 1st November 2005

Activities Sketch of Alyth Parish Church

Alyth Parish Church Lounge Primary & Senior Sunday School - Sunday 11am - church
The Sunday School for children aged between 3 and 12 meet on Sunday mornings during term time, initially joining the congregation at 11am for the first part of the service and then to the lower and upper halls at the rear of the church. Experienced Sunday School teachers encourage the children to learn about Jesus Christ through play, drawing, stories, and singing. Sunday School picnics, outings and special events take place during the year. Children participate in occasional family services including Harvest Thanksgiving while one of the annual highlights is a children’s Nativity play on Christmas Eve. Contact details


Bible Study Group - TBA - church lounge
The Bible Study Group meets intermittently for 4 or 6 week sessions, when an hour of reflection is followed by half an hour of fellowship. During Lent the group includes friends from neighbouring congregations. These are intended to be lively and enjoyable discussions followed by a chat. All are welcome. Contact details


Prayer Group - Thursday 10.30am - Burnside Court Lounge
The Prayer Group meets for a quiet time (little over thirty minutes) of prayer and reflection, followed by coffee and a chat. Prayers, some spontaneous, others prepared or from collections of prayers, are said for individuals, the local community and the wider world. If anyone would like prayers said (in confidence) for anyone in particular about whom you are concerned, please contact the Prayer Promoter. Please feel free to come along on a Thursday morning, you will be made most welcome.


Pastoral Care Group
The pastoral care team of visitors are drawn from the congregation, and from time to time visit our more elderly and housebound members, in their own homes within the parish, or in nursing homes around the area. If you know of someone who perhaps gets very few visitors and would appreciate such a visit, please contact us.


Guild - Monthly Thursday 7pm - Airlie Street Hall
The Guild meets monthly October to March (no meeting in January and February meeting may be held in the afternoon). Transport is available for older and disabled members. A syllabus with dates is available from the secretary.


Alyth Parish Church Choir - Practice Friday Fortnightly 7pm - church lower hall
The mixed choir, of upto 20 members, leads the congregational singing in Sunday services and provides an introit and anthem every week. Contact details

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